+ If you come from the airport by Bus
When you arrive to Madrid-Barajas Airport you have to go to the Bus
Station “Estacion de Avenida de America”.
There’s a regular Underground line directly from the airport to this bus station.
Guadalajara is the closest town to New Vrajamandala.
And it takes 30 min by car from Guadalajara to the Temple.
When you arrive to Guadalajara you have to take a bus from the Bus Terminal
to get to Brihuega.
Brihuega is the closest village to New Vraja Mandala.
There are 6 buses a day at different times from Guadalajara to Brihuega:
09.30am, 09.45am, 1.30pm, 3.45pm, 4.00pm and 7.00pm.
Bus option Costs 7 Euros/approx. each person to Guadalajara and 12 Euros
to Brihuega.