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Learn more

Devotees from all over Europe will come together to celebrate the 40ª Anniversary of New Vrajamandala with the Fourth Edition of The Holy Name Festival.


The Holy Name Festival will be held from the 26h to the 28h of July. And the EARLY BIRD price will be open from the 1th of June until 30th June.


Spanish and European Yatra, devotees, second generations, gurukulis, youth, bhaktas and friends… will have special days in company of the Holy Name and his most pure practitioners.


In New Vrajamandala, Spain, at the beautiful and heavenly sacred place where the sun shines as our presiding Deities Sri Sri Radha Govinda Chandra and Sri Sri Gaura Nitai.

Web Design

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Mobile Apps

Sed inter dolor to lacus et vulputate pellen.


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Products and services

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Lorem ipsum facilisi congue eu ornare dolor sit amet communitas imperdiet eleifend dictum urna. Nulla facilisi congue eu ornare vel, mattis sed eros, velit nulla commodo sem.

Pricing plans

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